They decide to settle this in a game of monopoly (the anti-fantasy vs. Mary claims that you can only do it with a lot of money (magic). Ben claims that you can manage that business with an amount of experience similar to the one he has (logic). There is a great business plan (the murders) going to unfold. Say Mary (Beatrice) is a multimillionaire and Ben (Battler) is a salary-man. The novel, having the advantage of underlining concepts in a textual form, managed to clear this. One of the main questions that arose while experiencing Umineko (both in the sound novel and the anime form) was this – why the heck would Battler try to deny the existence of the witch when she's obviously sitting in front of him, cackling inelegantly and hitting him in the head with her pipe? It seems utterly ridiculous and pointless. Unfortunately, Studio DEEN didn't manage to clear the misconception at all. Umineko was not supposed to be like that – hence even the unfriendly red text. Anime watchers are used to taking something literally as it is. Perhaps that is why it doesn't work that well in the visual format of the anime. Like it or not, the original Umineko story is damn complex, a complete, subtle mindfuck, in fact. complete bitch who takes a 180 turn in the last episode and goes all helpless moe moe kyun for no reason. complex character, acts all cruel, rough and unrefined in the beginning, but manages to melt halfway through and create a friendship/rivalry bond with Battler, to the point of finally being able to transmit to him the purpose of her existence ended up being the most delusional of them all (ironically), has huge shoujo eyes and most of the times doesn't make any sense at all. supposed to be the epitome of manliness, logic and determination Now onto the main characters: Battler and Beatrice. You end up feeling exasperated most of the time by almost everybody. The anime didn't retain that quite the opposite. The original source material, while still keeping a few members of the cast undeveloped (I'm looking at you, Hideyoshi and Nanjo), at least managed to make all the characters likeable – therefore less likely to suspect. Why should you watch something where you don't care for any of the characters? Again, this is still the adaptation's fault. While it becomes (or should become) clear after a while that in the wit game of Umineko, the humans are nothing more that chess pieces and the witches are simply devices to advance the arguments, that isn't an excuse. Name one word that relates to Rosa - abusive. Except for the very main two characters (Battler and Beatrice), almost all the other characters are uni-dimensional. The adaptation from the novel to the anime meant losing a lot of development for plot's sake, and that really adds to the overall confusion. You cannot help but forget who is who, who is related to whom, where someone popped out of, what the purpose of a certain character is and so on and so forth. One of Umineko's main put-offs is the fact that is has such a large cast of characters. the very little effort Studio DEEN put into making it (bad graphics, right music at the wrong time, wrong character designs, overall wrong atmosphere). adaptation decay (butchering of the characters and the plot for time's convenience) and

There are two main reasons why the Umineko anime doesn't work: Yes, the figurine was remarkable beforehand. In other terms, it feels similar to trying to bend a very detailed paper figurine in a jar that's too small and ruining it in the process. The Umineko anime is not at all a complete train-wreck, despite all the hatred it receives from the fandom it's simply nothing more than mediocre. Note that I did not say horrendous nor terrible. In fact, it's much more addressed to those who have partially or completely watched the anime/read the manga/played the game. this review might seem a bit unfriendly to someone who has no clue what Umineko is about. no, I will not make this an essay of comparison between the two, nor will I praise the novel over the anime however, it is inevitable that certain comparisons will indeed appear, in order to explain the flaws of the anime yes, I am one of those who have played the sound novel before watching the anime